Halloween is the time of trick or treats, and travel scams are here as well.  Unfortunately, as travel is heating up so are the scams.  I wanted to pass along a couple of the latest scams that I’ve heard of in the travel industry as of late so that you don’t fall victim to these tricks and your travels can be all treats.


Trick One… Front Desk Call

This one I just heard about and inspired me to write this article.

“You arrive at your hotel and check in at the front desk. Typically, when checking in, you give the front desk your credit card (for any charges to your room).  You go to your room and settle in. All is good. The hotel receives a call, and the caller asks for (as an example) room 620 – which happens to be your room.  The phone rings in your room. You answer and the person on the other end says the following: ‘This is the front desk. When checking in, we came across a problem with your charge card information. Please re-read me your credit card number and verify the last 3 digits numbers at the reverse side of your charge card.’ Not thinking anything wrong, since the call seems to come from the front desk you oblige. But actually, it is a scam by someone calling from outside the hotel.  They have asked for a random room number, then ask you for your credit card and address information.  They sound so professional, that you think you are talking to the front desk.”

Lesson learned here, NEVER give credit card information over the phone, make sure to inform the person that you will come down to the front desk and straighten out the situation.  Once you go down to the front desk or call the front desk directly to find out if there are any problems.  If there are none, ask to speak with the manager of the hotel and let them know that someone acting as a front desk employee was trying to get your credit card information.



Trick Two… Free WIFI Skimming


Let’s face it we all use the free Wi-Fi when traveling, or even when going to a coffee shop or restaurant.  However, you should never use it to do any personal banking or entering personal information.  Why?   Wi-fi “Skimming” is a scam that is growing – you get the free internet, however it’s not safe.  They control the connection and are able to see and collect the data that goes over that connection, including passwords and banking information.  If you are going to do any banking or anything that you need secured, do it over a private network.

And let me share a “Treat” or two with you as well….

Treat One… Call your Bank

Whenever you are going to travel, contact your bank.  Let them know when and where you are going.  Not only so that you have access to your accounts, but they will also see that if there are really large charges as well.  Why?  Incase your card does get stolen they are already aware and keeping an eye on your account.


Treat Two… Make it Private

VPN (Virtual Private Network) or a Personal Hot Spot if you need a more secure internet connection for banking or entering those passwords.  Remember businesses aren’t the only ones who get hacked.


Treat Three…  You Shared What???

Depending on your social media privacy settings, you never know who will see what you are sharing.  Complete strangers could see where you are and that you are not at home.  Check your social media privacy settings before you leave, or take all of those Ahh-mazing pictures and share them when you get back to make everyone jealous!


Hopefully these Travel Tip Trick or Treats helped you get in the spirit of fall travel.  If you are ready to start planning your next getaway you can schedule a free consultation by CLICKING HERE.  If you would like to sign up for my newsletter with more travel tips, ideas and more, just CLICK HERE.


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